...a face to cast a thousand ships...
This is Erika and me on our hot Valentine's day date!
(I've cut and dyed my hair for those of you who haven't seen it)

Oh my goodness, this is sooooo funny! My friend Titus send me this link (www.myheritage.com) where you can run photos through their system and they match you up with the celebrity that you look like. Here are my results arranged oh so artistically. You should really try it. I guarantee it will waste at least an half and hour of your life. You'll never get it back. I promise.
Apparently I look most like Katie Holmes and Alexis Bledel. They also tell me I bear a striking resemblance to Michelle Rodriguez, Rachel McAdams, and Shiri Appleby. ( I know, I don't get it either...maybe if you squint a lot?)
Yep, this is what I do when I should be writing my thesis proposal. Don't worry, all the other kids in my program procrastinate too...Seriously!

So these three (above) are supposed to match up with what I look like in my profile picture to the right. Honestly, why don't I just delete my photo and put one of Katie up instead? I mean, we're practically identical! (actually, she looks a lot like my sister, Natasha in this picture for those of you who know her...)

And this is my friend Titus and me (yay T!)

So that's it. I know, I know, what a way to spend my time. What can I say...I'm just that self-involved. :) If only I actually did look like Katie Holmes...then I could be married to Tom Cruise. And who doesn't like that!
Anyhow, say cheese and start scanning!