...the frogs are attacking! the frogs are attacking!...

Have you ever had the experience of being in a crowd of people, but feeling completely detached? I had that feeling last night, when I went down to the Harbour to watch the fireworks for Canada day. I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but I couldn't find her amid the masses. I'd walked all the way down to the Harbour and I didn't want to turn around and walk right home again, so I decided I should stick around and wander the Pier for a few hours until the sky burst into spectacle before me. I felt like I was floating around in a sea of activity while everyone around me was swimming on past. It was bizzare.
As the evening wore on, the boardwalk became more and more crowded. It wasn't just your ordinary crowd though. Seems that fireworks displays and harbour sights draw mainly couples and families with young children. So let's picture it here, friends...little Emily, surrounded by cutesy-wootsy couples and families with small children inquiring every two to three minutes, "when are they starting, Daddy? Are they starting now? How much longer?..." Yep. I was pretty pathetic. Don't worry, I cheered myself up by going to get two scoops of specialty gelato (blackcurrent and passionfruit, if you have to ask) and a large tea (orange pekoe, of course!). In the end, I picked a pretty crappy place to see the spectacular sky-show, but I suppose I gained a great feeling of independence. Plus also a little pathetic-ness. But that was just a bonus.
On the plus side, when I get back to Halifax, I have an inside scoop on the hot places to catch the fireworks...we should go. (please, don't make me go alone again!)
Only 2 years away! July 1, 2008. Halifax Harbour. (mark your calendars people.)
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