...the rest of the adventure...
Alright folks, as promised here is installment number two of my gripping travels to and within Ontario.
Another highlight of the trip was spending a good chunk of time with my friend Lindsay. We were able to spend some quality bonding time on a Friday night (that's right, we had pillow fights in our panties...isn't that what all girls do during 'quality time?') and on Saturday we had brunch with her boyfriend. Look. Aren't they cute. I know, it's ridiculous.
After brunch, Lindsay decided to learn the ancient art of skateboarding from a cute, but potentially bad-ass kid who was hanging around the restaurant. She wants me to send her these pictures so she can put them up in her classroom...ok, Linds....whatever you want...but are you sure that's a good idea???
Lindsay drove me up to my cabin where my parents were staying for the weekend while they were at Ontario Pioneer Camp participating in their church's parish weekend.
Sounds confusing doesn't it? Our cabin happens to be on the same lake as OPC so they were staying there to save some cash. Convenient...not confusing. Here are some never-before-seen pictures of the inside of my cabin...oh so cozy...notice the coordinating red accents. I appreciate good coordination.
And finally, my parents threw me a birthday party for my big 2-5. That's right. I have now ushered in a quarter of a century. My brain cells are no longer regenerating...I'm just gettin' stupider. Wicked. The party was lots of fun, and a great chance to catch up with some friends who I haven't seen for a while. I didn't manage to take as many photos as I wanted...but here are a few. Now you guys are famous. Sort of.
Look! Two Sarahs in a ROW! WOW!
Some additional honourable mentions include a visit to the booming metropolis of Almonte to visit my sister and brother in law. One day we drove all the way to Montreal and back...well, Tasha drove...I just watched. Tasha needed to get a new potential flute checked out. It was fascinating. And by fascinating I mean I had no idea what they were saying. But it was neat to get a glimpse into my sister's life. The other honourable mention was Dale's graduation from his course with the Airforce. He had the highest mark in his class. Smartie. Apparently, a man in uniform is irresistable to women. Who knew?
And that, my friends, is that! Now I'm back in Halifax...trying to write the first chapter of my thesis, an ethics proposal, and get all the details for Sierra Leone in order. Oiy.
I need to get going before I run out of brain cells...
Hold on to those brain cells while you can, eventually you start to be less and less...ugh, something.
Great pictures on the last couple of posts!
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