...Behold the Public Gardens of Halifax...

Here in Halifax they have a plot of land that is leased to the city by the British Crown for something like one pound per year. In order for Halifax to keep this land they have to promise it remains a green space - a green space in the heart of downtown, no less. Halifax has made this space into a beautiful garden (in which you most certainly CANNOT walk on the grass, or feed the ducks...they turn into gremlins, I hear) which is open to the public. The garden is surrounded by a huge iron gate which I could analyse within a 'gated community' framework...but I'd rather not think that hard right now. At any rate, here are some lovely photos from two seperate occasions when I happened to spend some time in the garden's loveliness.

You would if you were able to make out this iddy biddy writing.

from school here at Dalhousie.
They really like having their pictures taken ;)

Kyla came from Toronto, ON to visit me last weekend.
It was a bit of a last-minute trip, but definitely appreciated!
More on our adventures through Halifax later...

And so many, many drops to spare.
It's been raining for weeks here in Halifax.
WEEKS. *sigh*
But at least that means that the waterfalls and little pools in the park are full!
(look at me being all positive. I know. It's disgusting.)

And as always, take time to smell the roses
(or in this case, the hydrangeas, but who's taking notes?)
(or in this case, the hydrangeas, but who's taking notes?)

Ah... the Public gardens ... don't you get "halifax points" for that? :)
I'm missing the Halifax summer - the sorthern ontario smogginess .... its just not the same!
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