...the pinnacle of procrastination...
Ah, it's been a while. I apologize for my lack of "blogging" but to be quite honest, my life has been less than interesting as of late. I honestly spend most of my days marking mediocre first year papers and working shifts at the Grad House (on campus Graduate pub). Yesterday's highlight, as I was marking with my friend Karen, was find one of her students had completely plagarised her paper. I was so excited I nearly knocked over Karen's coffee table. Seriously. I honestly can't believe that students are stupid enough to hand in plagarised papers...especially when you can find them on the internet by just typing in one line. Honestly people, if you're going to plagarise at least do it intelligently. Of couse...that does seem like a bit of an oxymoron, intelligent plagarism.

At any rate, to escape from the drugery of it all, I accompanied some friends to the Mic Mac Mall (the largest mall east of Montreal!! Woo wee!)on Saturday morning. The Mic Mac is where auditions for this year's production of Canadian Idol are being held. One of the girls in my program has a boyfriend who wanted to audition, so we all trooped down for some moral support. He made it past the first round of auditions, but was cut in his second audition. There was A LOT of waiting involved, but at the very least it was amusing and I was able to do some shopping.
Who doesn't love when the Gap has a sale?
I know I do!
The gap has a sale? I SOO TOTALLY have to go...
Montreal, Monteal, Montreal - shopping heaven!
ahh the Gap...
dangerous store when I have money...Glad I have to drive 1/2 hour to one or I'd be poor
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerent - Aelius Donatus
Ah the Gap and plagiarism...there's a connection there I'm sure of it! Happy Shopping Emily!
I believe, some scholars would argue that it should be "dixerUnt"...but I don't have a clue. Not even with 3 years of Latin in high school.
If only all our ideas could be our own, then we'd never have to use footnotes (or in your case, use parentheses)!
Perhaps the Gap is a style-plagarist? I'm sure someone already came out with the "new white"...
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