Tuesday, May 02, 2006

...home for a rest...

So I've headed back home for a friend's wedding and to spend some time with family and friends before I go galavanting across the globe. This time, instead of taking a plane, I took the train...and what a ride it was! Thanks to some helpful advice from a friend, I was well equipped with snacks and sleeping accessories, and my crafty self wasn't lacking in amusing activities either.

I had bachelorette to attend this past Saturday and I had planned to make her a scrapbook of sorts...all about sex. I meant to get it finished before I left Halifax, but of course, it being me I was running behind schedule. Therefore, I was stuck finishing the 'booty book' on the train, in random restaurants, and even on a bus. I think the train was by far the most amusing for me however...picture it now, friends. Innoncent Emily cutting and pasting inappropriate pictures and phrases into a big, black book...the best part, was that on the train I was surrounded completely by males. Seriously. There wasn't any estrogen in sight. So there I was, ripping and cutting, pasting and sticking...at one point, a guy in his 20s sitting in the seats in front of me turns around and says in a puzzled voice "what are you doing??" Of course, the guy sharing the seat to my right was probably the most entertained...I personally think the sex book was much more interesting than his book on "highly effective management techniques."

Nothing like craft time with Emily. I highly recommend it. Not only is it artsy, but educational too!

Bonus, kiddies.


At 5:22 a.m., Blogger Cameron said...

'Innocent Emily'? Some sort of alter ego you occasionally adopt?
Why is it that this tale is all to easy to picture.

At 11:20 a.m., Blogger T said...

she must have super powers...

At 3:06 p.m., Blogger Emily said...

It IS easy to picture isn't it?...personally, I think it's only because I am an expert wordsmith. You know...great at painting a lively picture? No?



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