...it certainly makes one think...

Do we do that? Nah...couldn't be...
Check out this quote in context at http://postsecret.blogspot.com (blatant advertising, and they're not even paying me!) For all my teacher-friends: keep loving those kids, they're daring you to!
And for those of you who've asked - Brokeback Mountain was pretty good. What really got me was the obvious discomfort the audience had during love scenes between the two cowboys, during which there was no explicit nudity, but how it was perfectly acceptable for both female actresses to be filmed topless while making love to either their boyfriend/husband. Woo hoo, way to go women's lib! I'm so glad women feel empowered to show their breasts so readily in public. It really makes me feel we've come a long way as a society...women are just so free now (pun intended).
Not that I'm judging or anything. Because that would be, you know, wrong.
Bad, Emily.
So I was wondering if you could tell more about your hot dates over the holidays???
My sources say no.
I guess you'll just never know.
No know. Know? No.
Dear Mr. Anonymous, you are starting to get on my nerves. You have no right to know about Emily's "hot dates" unless you are a) her father
b) the person who she was on the date with or;
c) someone who is wishes to have the chance to show that he cares enough to break down those walls, in which case, you'd probably be best to go through her father.
Either way, I don't think she would tell you anything about herself, especially since you're "anonymous" and could be anyone and I'm VERY sure if she did, tell you, it would be over a secure line of communication, not on some kind of blog site for the world to see. Why don't you just stop being anonymous and ask her somewhere private?
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